Davis Fencing Academy

Davis Pentathlon Center

The Davis Pentathlon Center

An Elite Training Facility and Community Fitness Space

The Davis Pentathlon Center, centerpiece of the proposed Palomino Place development, provides critically needed space for long time community programs in fencing and swimming as well as creating an official training center for USA Pentathlon Multisport, home for the US Fencing History Museum and permanent location for the US Fencing Coaches Academy. We are currently finishing zoning requirements with hopes to open 2025! If you would like to support the center, please contact Simon Pitfield at davispentathlon@gmail.com!

Davis Fencing Academy

Since 1999, the Davis Fencing Academy has provided space and instruction to Davis residents. This facility will allow us to continue offering affordable lessons, regional competitions and community outreach programs for years to come.

Pool Complex

Davis has long needed additional pool space to accommodate a range of recreational, fitness and competitive swimming programs. This space will relieve some of the stress on city pool facilities without burdening the city.

Pentathlon Training Center

Pentathlon is an Olympic sport consisting of fencing, swimming, running, laser marksmanship and equestrian events. By providing for this range of activities, the center will be a focal point for USA Pentathlon.

The Davis Pentathlon Center includes a 25-yard by 25-meter pool, a 600-meter running track and a 12,000 square foot fencing hall. The small housing development included in the Palomino Place application, designed to offset the utility infrastructure costs, is focused on small, starter homes with many units under 1,000 square feet.

For more info, please go to palominoplacedavis.com